Sunday, March 28, 2010

First post!

I have been an avid reader all my life. I think, in high school, I probably read too many books. I can recall a couple of times I was caught reading a novel in English that wasn't the part of the curriculum (I had already read the assigned reading).

As Ann and I have watched our children grow up, we have become more concerned about the media and its influences - positive and negative - in our lives. When my oldest daughter began reading books for fun, we decided we would preview all of her books before allowing her to read anything new. We have been glad of that precaution a couple of times. It has also opened us up to several great authors that we now enjoy, rather than just read to protect our daughter.

Since a good portion of our intent is to preview books for our children, let me share our standards. We don't watch rated "R" movies. For most PG-13 movies, we will look it up on before going to see it. We hold conservative Christian values and would rather be "behind the times" than changing our standards to go with the standards of the world. If these standards are close to yours, then hopefully this blog with be of use.
